
Product display


Strong strength, product quality.

The company has advanced technology.
The operation cycle of the equipment is long, and continuous production can be realized throughout the year.

Factory direct sales, reasonable price.

Our company is a manufacturer, direct sales of products.

Let customers buy the best products at the lowest price.

Broad market, global market

It's popular not only in China, but also in Saudi Arabia, India and South Africa

Laos, Mongolia, South Korea and more than ten other countries, won the praise of customers.

Meet the needs of all kinds of customers.

The company has a high-quality staff and CAD design center.

Can be designed according to customer needs, tailored

TaianLifengChemicalEquipmentManufacturingCo.,Ltd  Foundedin1988,ourcompanyislocatedatthefootofMountTai,afamoustouristattractionathomeandabroad.ItisadjacenttoQufuCityinthesouth,JinanCityinthenorth,and104NationalHighway,BeijingShanghaiExpresswayandBeijingFuzhouExpressway.Thetrafficbetweenthenorthandthesouthisveryconvenient.Coveringanareaof36000m2andabuildingareaof20000m2,thecompanyisoneoftheearliestmanufacturersinChinatodevelopcompletesetsofcompoundfertilizerequipment.ItimplementsISO9001-2000qua...

